Dear Groton-Dunstable Soccer Families,
The single most important part of recreational town soccer is HAVING FUN!
A warm hello to all families joining us and returning for Spring 2025 Groton-Dunstable Soccer! Team Rosters will be released on Saturday, March 29th. This is when you will know your coaches and then practice times. The first games will be held on April 12, weather permitting. Evaluations for the fall are planned for the week before Memorial Day, so a little earlier, May 19-22. Age group dates and times will be shared as we get closer.
NVYSL Game Changes and Referees
This season, travel soccer games for grades 3 and up will have two modifications. The first is that the sportsmanship handshake will take place before the game, not after, and will be preceded by a home team coach reading a short reminder about expected behavior from players, coaches, and spectators. The second is that NVYSL will operate under stronger policies to protect our referees. Referee abuse is an issue that’s on the rise. We need more productive dialogue about what is happening and how we can prevent it. The bright future of soccer depends on creating a safer, more inclusive environment where no one feels that his or her well-being is at risk. Lots of details on
Referee Genesis Program
Is your child interested in becoming a referee? GDYSC’s Genesis Referee Program is an excellent opportunity for 12- and 13-year-olds eager to learn and develop their refereeing skills! Participants are required to attend a mandatory initial training session before starting to referee Grade 1/2 games at Cow Pond Fields on Saturday mornings. During these games, our dedicated referee advisors will provide support and guidance to ensure their success.
Sign up here: GDYSC Genesis Referee Training Session.
The essential training session, hosted by Mass Youth Soccer and the Massachusetts State Referee Committee, is scheduled for April 1 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Groton Public Library.
GDYSC Picture Day
Please plan for your team pictures on Saturday May 10th, 2025. More detail to follow with a schedule and costs.
Second Annual GDYSC Food Drive - May 17
GDYSC will once again be partnering with Loaves & Fishes to collect items for the Summer Kids Bag program. Items will be collected at the Cow Pond Playing Fields on Saturday, May 17. Let’s help Loaves & Fishes score a goal against childhood hunger!
GDYSC Annual General Meeting
GDYSC is a non-profit ogranziation and we encourage everyones participation, we are planning to have our Annual General Meeting this spring. Be on the lookout for details.
Local Upcoming Soccer Camps
GDYSC/Elite UK Summer Camp at Lawrence Academy
Registration is also open for GDYSC summer soccer camp, this year at Lawrence Academy again hosted by Elite UK.
Elite UK April Vacation Clinic @ Tyngsboro Sports Center
Campers between the ages of 5-16 years will be divided into age and skill specific groups and developed within a fun camp atmosphere. Registration details
FC Stars April Vacation Clinic @ Millworks
Another local opportunity for playing this April break is a full-day camp at Millworks run by the FC Stars program follow this link and look for:
Spring - Elite Attacker Clinic - April Vacation Week - Full Day - $355 @ Millworks
Nashoba Cup (NCUP) & Massachusetts Tournament of Champions (MTOC)
Also for our Division 1 teams this year, the Nashoba Cup and MTOC playoffs will be held at the SBLI Fields At Progin Park in Lancaster on June 15-16 and June 21-23
Last but not least, don’t forget to stop by Jeff’s Place for a before and after treat, and thank your coaches!!
Groton-Dunstable Youth Soccer is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization, EIN 04-3548561
Groton-Dunstable Youth Soccer is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization, EIN 04-3548561
© 2023 Groton-Dunstable Youth Soccer